Percy Doughty Announces 2025 Trade Event

Percy Doughty, a leading supplier in the fireplace and heating industry, is hosting an event for installation professionals. The PD Expo will be on the 20th & 21st February 2025, at Percy Doughty HQ in Farnworth. This event will bring together key players in the industry, including installers, chimney sweeps and retailers. Join them for an exclusive two-day showcase of innovation in fireplaces, stoves, and industry excellence! The trade-focused exhibition is designed to bring together industry experts and leading manufacturers which will showcase Percy Doughty’s latest range of fireplaces, stoves, and associated products, alongside prominent industry manufacturers, while providing valuable networking opportunities for industry professionals. The event offers direct access to Percy Doughty’s technical specialists and wider team. Industry professionals can register through the Trade Counter, their Percy Doughty Account Manager, the Customer Service Team, or the company’s website. “We’ve designed this event specifically for the installation community,” says Wesley Jones Trade Counter Manager at Percy Doughty. “Attendees will also have an opportunity to meet leading manufacturers, industry experts, and the Percy Doughty team for an unmissable event dedicated to advancing your business. Attendees will also have the chance to win a Helios Fitters pack worth up to £850 and complimentary breakfast and lunch will also be provided.” What to Expect: Special Offers & Prizes: Gain Valuable Insights: You will also have an opportunity to meet leading manufacturers, industry experts, and the Percy Doughty team for an unmissable event dedicated to advancing your business. Event Details: The event is exclusive to trade professionals and pre-registration is required. Visit their website to find out more information: Image courtesy of PD Subscribe to Fireplace Specialist Magazine today and keep up to date with the latest industry news and information.
Stove Industry Association Launches #PositiveWoodBurning Campaign

The Stove Industry Association (SIA) is excited to announce the launch of its #PositiveWoodBurning campaign, a two-week campaign starting from the 15th January. This initiative aims to raise awareness about the significant benefits of modern wood burning stoves when used with dry wood, and how they can contribute to lowering emissions from domestic wood burning. Modern wood burning stoves, when used correctly, offer an efficient and environmentally friendly way to heat homes. The SIA’s campaign will highlight how these stoves, combined with the use of properly seasoned dry wood, can significantly reduce particulate emissions compared to older, less efficient stove models and open fires. By promoting the use of advanced technology and best practice, the SIA hopes to inform and educate the public and encourage households that already use an open fire or older stove, to make the switch to a modern appliance. Andy Hill, chair of the SIA, commented: “We are thrilled to launch the #PositiveWoodBurning campaign. Modern wood burning stoves are not only a cost-effective and low carbon heating solution, they also play a crucial role in reducing emissions compared to other ways of burning wood such as open fires. By using dry wood, we can ensure that our stoves operate at their highest efficiency, providing warmth and comfort while minimising our environmental impact. We believe that through this campaign, we can help educate the public on the benefits of modern wood burning and encourage a shift towards more sustainable and lower emission domestic combustion practices.” The #PositiveWoodBurning campaign also highlights some of the lesser known benefits of using wood fuel including forest health and biodiversity, and signposts consumers to further information and resources to help them better understand the importance of using dry wood and maintaining their stoves properly. The SIA invites everyone to join the conversation on social media using the hashtag #PositiveWoodBurning and to visit for more information.
The Westfire Uniq 45 is the ultimate winter warmer

Clean-lined and contemporary, the Westfire Uniq 45 is the ultimate winter warmer… As freezing temperatures gripped the UK in early January, it was a true test of how efficient the home’s heating is. Anyone who found their current solution less than satisfactory will benefit from an upgrade to a cosy and contemporary wood-burning stove. The Westfire Uniq 45 from Eurostove is a tall, clean-lined design with large glass window for a mesmerising view of the flickering flames within. It also comes with an integrated log store below, putting an end to the chore of trudging outside in the cold to top up when wood runs low. With a generous 5kW heat output, the A+ rated Westfire Uniq 45 wood-burner provides plenty of heat and a cosy glow for any interior. Its sleek styling, modern appeal and efficient performance make it the perfect home heating choice for any room, especially modern living spaces and open-plan schemes while the advanced combustion system ensures optimal heat output, ideal for when there’s a drop in temperature outside. It also comes with an integrated airwash system for a consistently clear view of the logs and flames, great for snuggling around on a chilly evening and enjoying a cosy weekend at home. The handy log store makes it quicker and simpler to reload with the added benefit of elevating the wood-burner to eye level for a clearer view for the flames inside. Naturally cooler than a radiant stove, this convection stove makes a great focal point in an open-plan space and it’s a sustainable heating solution too, meeting stringent emission standards for clean and efficient combustion. Eco-design compliant, this A+ rated wood-burner meets the European-wide Eco-design programme to lower emissions, which came into force in the UK in 2022, setting the new standard for sustainable stoves working towards a greener future for all. “The Westfire Uniq 45 will enhance any classic or contemporary décor with its sleek Anthracite finish and clean-lined design,” says Chris Baines, Managing Director of Eurostove. “The Danish-inspired styling and 5kW heat output make this the perfect wood-burner for anyone looking to update their current model or add a new focal point to their living room or open-plan space.” The Westfire Uniq 45 log store wood-burner is priced £1,345.50 at Eurostove until 28 February 2025.
You can still use your wood burner in a smoke control area (SCA)

The Government website states “Many parts of the UK are smoke control areas where: More cities across England, such as Oxford and Reading, have recently announced intentions to expand their smoke control areas (SCAs). Because this sounds like you can’t use your chimney it’s important to dispel any misinformation surrounding these plans and clear up any confusion you may have had about what you can do in a smoke control area. You can still use your wood burner in a smoke control area (SCA) Even if you live in an SCA – or live in an area that will soon become an SCA – you are still allowed to use your wood burner as long as it’s not a really old inefficient appliance. Log burners are not being banned and smoke control areas only restrict those burning inappropriate materials like freshly chopped wood, wood treated with wood preservatives like wood pallets, old furniture, varnished or painted wood or wet wood, plastics etc. For further guidance on what not to burn visit the HETAS website here. Smoke control area rules So, SCAs do not stop you from heating your home with your log burner, but there are a few rules you need to follow. Am I in a smoke control area? You can find out if you live in a smoke control area by looking on the interactive map on Defra’s UK AIR website. The map is updated as any changes occur, keeping you informed of any changes in your area. Contact your local council to stay updated on any upcoming discussions or consultation In short, if you live in an SCA, you must not: Emitting smoke from a chimney is not specifically defined in the legislation, but due to the high efficiency of modern appliances you will not need to worry about your chimney emitting smoke if you are burning “Ready to Burn” or “Woodsure” certified wood with a moisture content of 20% or less. Burning dry wood results in a cleaner burn that heats your home better and produces considerably less pollutants than wet wood. Using a moisture meter to measure your wood’s moisture content before each use also ensures that the wood you are burning has remained dry throughout storage. Visit the HETAS website for advice on optimal burning advice in a modern Cleaner Choice wood burner. Unauthorised fuel is any fuel that is not listed on Defra’s Authorised/Certified Fuels list. Wood is an example of an unauthorised fuel – if you live in an SCA, you can only burn wood in an exempt appliance. An exempt appliance is any stove that has been approved by Defra for use in smoke control areas, following emissions tests. There are over 3000 listed in England alone and a search facility to find out if yours is on the list! Appliances are exempted separately in the different countries of the UK as follows, Simply, click through to your country and search. These rules will not change anything for many users. A modern appliance – such as a Cleaner Choice stove – burning quality, dry fuel being operated correctly is incredibly efficient and can continue to be used in SCAs.
The Iconic 500 electric stove from Eurostove fits all homes

There’s nothing quite like getting warm and cosy in front of a log burning stove on a chilly winter’s day. For homes without a chimney or flue and homeowners who don’t want the mess and fuss of a log burner, an electric stove is the perfect alternative. The Iconic 500, with a 7 day timer and remote control, offers the look and feel of a traditional wood burner without the maintenance to match. This contemporary steel stove is beautifully crafted and features the very latest technology for instant heat at the touch of button with realistic and authentic crackling log fire sound effects and a choice of fuel bed and downlighter colours to create a different mood and ambience to suit all occasions. The Iconic 500 electric stove can also be operated via remote control and comes with low and high heat settings to suit all weathers. Its ultra-realistic hand-painted logs and coal crystals sit naturally upon multiple fuel bed colours with a choice of downlighter colours to suit all moods and interior design. Perfect for all rooms, including media wall installations and open-plan living, the stove comes with built-in attachments for a simple set-up and uses energy efficient LED technology for lower running costs. The 750-1500W thermostatic stove has a choice of four flame colours for a realistic flame effect, a glowing ember fuel bed with five brightness settings, a choice of 13 different fuel bed colours and seven downlighter colours as well as a seven-day timer and remote control. Semi-mirrored side panels complete the authentic log burner look. “We are thrilled to introduce the Iconic 500 electric stove to our portfolio,” says Chris Baines, Managing Director of Eurostove. “It’s so easy to install with no need for a flue, which means that it can be fitted into any room and in any part of the home. All it needs is a plug point and it’s ready to go. No building regulations are required and with simple operation via the remote handset, it brings instant heat to the home.” The Iconic 500 electric stove from Eurostove is priced £644
Mendip’s new Willow woodburning stove is perfectly crafted for modern interiors

The Willow woodburning stove from Mendip As the landscape outside turns to autumnal browns, oranges and yellows and the UK braces itself for crisp wintry mornings and frosty weekend walks, there’s nothing quite like coming home to the warmth and comfort of a woodburning stove. Somerset-based Mendip Stoves, experts in high-quality stoves that are both practical and stylish, is proud to announce the launch of its brand-new Willow stove. Combining modern design with exceptional performance and a 5kW heat output, this elegantly rounded A energy-rated pedestal woodburner is ideally suited to contemporary living spaces, whether as part of a whole home renovation, a new-build project or a winter update for an existing stove. The Willow woodburning stove is available from Eurostove, renowned UK distributor of woodburning, multi fuel, inset and freestanding stoves. The eye-catching pedestal stove is ideal for anyone looking for a cosy focal point feature fire this winter. Measuring H1023mm x W480mm x D419mm, this ecodesign woodburner has a 50mm distance to combustibles at its rear and 250mm to the side, making it perfect for chimney breast installation. A practical heating solution for contemporary interiors, the anthracite painted finish blends a sleek pedestal design with an 8mm convection top plate for optimum heat circulation while the sturdy 8mm base plate provides added stability. Features also include a distinctive round door with brushed steel handle and large panoramic glass window for an uninterrupted view of the flames inside. The stove is also safe for use in smoke control areas. A striking focal point for any living area or open-plan space, this elegant and rounded woodburner is set to become a timeless classic thanks to its simple design and eye-catching style, making it the perfect centrepiece for any home. “We are always proud to offer the very best in heating design,” says Chris Baines, Managing Director of Mendip Stoves, “for both traditional and modern properties. The new Willow woodburning stove demonstrates just how elegant and simple a woodburner can be and is a great natural heating option for anyone looking to update or upgrade their living space heat source. It’s sure to provide not only a cosy and comfortable welcome for family and friends but will also become the focal point of get-togethers and celebrations, too.” Mendip’s Willow woodburning stove is priced from £1,879
Cleaner Safer Group launches with appointment of new Non-Executive Director

Cleaner Safer Group (CSG) – parent company to not-for-profit organisations, HETAS and Woodsure – has announced its official launch, along with the appointment of a new Non-Executive Director, Dr Dermot Roddy. With a mission of working together for a cleaner, safer and more sustainable environment, the new not-for-profit organisation, CSG, will build on the work of both HETAS and Woodsure, bringing together each organisation’s resources, expertise and stakeholders. In addition, CSG will work to expand into new markets, applying their knowledge and specialist skills to new sectors, mitigating safety and environmental risks. CSG aims to work with, partner and support organisations and businesses working in these sectors. Working with a wide range of stakeholders, HETAS and Woodsure specialise in operating certification schemes in the solid fuel, wood and biomass sectors. Both organisations also work with government to run a number of contracted schemes, including the Ready to Burn certification schemes for wood and manufactured solid fuels – administered on behalf of Defra, the Biomass Suppliers List and smoke control exemption for appliances. As the parent company, CSG will grow and develop HETAS and Woodsure, expanding their operations, while also developing and delivering its own range of services. As part of its work with public and private sector organisations, CSG offers business consultation on air quality improvement and net zero emissions, from helping to navigate environmental regulations to developing strategic guidance and innovative solutions. Non-Executive Director, Dr Dermot Roddy, will be joining the CSG board to help the organisation leverage industry partnerships and diversify technologies used to capture biomass energy, beyond individual household appliances. With experience including Science City Professor of Energy at Newcastle University, Director of the Sir Joseph Swan Institute for Energy Research at Newcastle University, Chairman at North East Biofuels and several years working in the oil refinery sector, Dr Roddy brings to his role a wealth of scientific and practical knowledge across the energy sector, as well as highly effective partnerships with multiple organisations across the biomass space. Dr Roddy comments: “Through the registration and certification schemes for fuels, appliances, installers and retailers administered by HETAS and Woodsure, CSG has already made great strides in building confidence in trustworthy fuels and in domestic wood-burning appliances which provide a clean, safe source of heat. There is, however, a perception that biomass energy is too small to make a significant difference to the UK’s renewable heat goals. “I believe the future lies in expanding the range of useable biomass types, developing technologies used for harnessing the energy potential of these potential fuels and looking beyond the confines of individual domestic appliances. As NED, my main goal will be to help CSG further develop its role in working with others in the industry to bring that future to fruition for a cleaner, safer and more sustainable environment.” Bruce Allen, CEO and Director of Cleaner Safer Group, adds: “We’re incredibly excited to be able to announce the launch of Cleaner Safer Group. Through HETAS and Woodsure we have been able to develop key specialisms, working with industry leaders and government to promote and educate on cleaner, safer and more sustainable approaches to solid fuel and biomass energy usage. We are now at a point where we are ready to expand our operations, potentially to markets outside of combustion alone, and feel that CSG will empower us to be able to do exactly that. “We’re looking forward to getting the ball rolling and continuing our work with our current and future stakeholders to promote cleaner, safer choices and approaches and mitigate environmental risks. The appointment of our new NED, Dr Dermot Roddy, is a huge part of that move forward. “It was clear from the start that Dermot is driven to supporting excellent practice in governance and that he cares about the future of the sustainable heat and energy sector in the UK – something which we at Cleaner Safer Group really value. His skills, knowledge and wealth of sector-spanning experience – both academically and in science and business – combined with his passion form a combination of attributes in someone that we are incredibly excited to work with.” On Thursday 14th November, Cleaner Safer Group will be holding its first annual conference, bringing together industry leaders and government to discuss the latest progress and strategies, and how the biomass and solid fuel industry can innovate for a sustainable tomorrow. Being held at the National Self Build & Renovation Centre in Swindon, guest speakers include Tunde Ojetola, Senior Policy Advisor at the Department for Energy Security and Net Zero (DESNZ). Visit the Cleaner Safer Group website here:
Amendment to NBHS to become law on 1st January 2025

An amendment to the New Build Heat Standard (NBHS) was laid in Scottish Parliament on Friday 8th November that will allow bioenergy systems, including wood burning stoves, to be installed in all new homes and buildings and in existing buildings that are being converted. This sets in motion the pathway for the Direction to amend the NBHS, announced in September this year, to become law on the 1st January 2025. The amendment addresses the significant concerns raised by the Stove Industry Association on behalf of its members and the wider industry, and the thousands of households, particularly in rural and island communities, that rely on their wood burning stoves for heat and security. Commenting on Friday’s announcement, Andy Hill, chair of the Stove Industry Association, said: “We are delighted that common sense has prevailed and that wood burning stoves remain available as a choice for all households across Scotland seeking a net zero carbon, sustainable and renewable way to heat their homes utilising a fuel source that is both abundant and local.” A key tenet of the Stove Industry Association’s campaigning on behalf of its members and homeowners in Scotland was that in effectively banning the installation of wood burning stoves in new build properties and renovations, the NBHS went against its own principles of reducing carbon from domestic heating. In a business and regulatory impact assessment published on 8th November the Scottish government acknowledged that: “While combustion of biomass does physically produce CO2 emissions at the point of use, these emissions are balanced out against CO2 that was absorbed from the atmosphere when the biomass feedstock grew. As a result, for the purposes of reporting on emissions, and in line with international carbon accounting practice, the Scottish Government considers the combustion of biomass to produce net zero CO2 emissions at the point of use.” Andy Hill added: “Wood burning at home is a fundamental part of homes and family life across the country. Its use offers the reassurance of energy grid independence and protection against fluctuating gas and electricity process. The acknowledgment that biomass is carbon neutral at the point of use is vital to facilitating a pathway to net zero in Scotland.”
Customers Seeking Affordable Energy Costs Results in Solid Fuel Increase

Customers seeking eco-friendly, affordable energy costs driving boom in solid fuel this winter season. Modern wood-burning stoves have a clear role to play in our low-carbon future. Fire&Flame, a leading retailer of solid fuel, has revealed that log sales are up by 16% this year. This is a result of a growing trend of people wanting to improve their homes with wood burners rather than move house while looking for an eco-friendly yet cost-effective way to keep their homes warm. Wood logs cost 68% less per kWh than electric heating and 13% less than an air source heat pump. With a modern wood burning stove using less than a third of the amount of wood fuel compared to an open fire to give the same amount of heat, customers are turning to solid fuel, as gas and electric prices continue to rise putting extra pressure on household budget. With forecasters predicting another wet and windy winter, people across the UK retreating to the snugness of their living rooms with real fires now the hub for families. Caroline Morris, Sales Director for Fire&Flame said; “Over the past year, we have seen an increase in retailers stocking solid fuel as the popularity of woodburning stoves continues to boom. “Last winter, retailers saw up to a triple increase in predicted turnover, and we are expecting 2024/2025 solid fuel sales to further increase. As stove sales rise, the demand for eco-friendly fuel products has also increased.” The Bar-Be-Quick brand Fire&Flame’s range of winter fuels, including wood briquettes and kindling, are all sustainably produced, and offer an ideal solution for those who want to reduce their carbon footprint and make their homes more sustainable. Increasingly, consumers are prioritising eco-friendly and sustainable products. Offering sustainably sourced wood aligns with the environmentally-conscious consumer demands, strengthens the brand loyalty and ensures alignment with the companies values of responsibility and integrity. Using sustainable and eco-friendly fuel significantly reduces consumers’ carbon footprint and helps protect the environment. Products made using waste products that would otherwise go to landfill make an excellent choice for anyone who wants to reduce their waste output and live a more sustainable lifestyle. Visit the Fire&Flame website here:
Devon family business, Rangemoors, celebrates 50th anniversary

One of Devon’s oldest stove providers, Rangemoors, is celebrating its 50th year in business. Founded in 1974, Rangemoors has evolved into one of the leading providers of wood-burning gas and electric stoves, range cookers, and heating solutions in South West England. Now a multi-generational family business, Rangemoors operates from its headquarters in Winkleigh, with additional locations in Exeter and Aveton Gifford near Kingsbridge. As Rangemoors celebrates its 50-year milestone, it remains under the leadership of Andrew Baker, Managing Director. Andrew’s wife, Kate, also serves as a director, and three of their sons, Ashley, Callum and Zach, are actively involved in the business, continuing the tradition of excellence. Allan Vodden who has been with Rangemoors for many years, remains a key figure as Chairman, offering guidance and continuity. “It’s an honour to lead Rangemoors into its next chapter,” said Andrew Baker, Managing Director. “We are committed to upholding the traditions of quality and customer care that have defined this company for 50 years. With such a fantastic team supporting the business we are excited by what lies ahead.” Growth and Expansion Over Five Decades Rangemoors has experienced significant growth over the years. In 2004, the company built a new showroom on its current site, further expanding its product range, and sale of parts and spares. The business changed hands in 2007, through an MBO and under this team in 2008 undertook a re brand and complete review of the company’s market offering. In 2015 the business expanded with the setting up of a new showroom in Exeter. In 2023, the business continued to grow with the acquisition of West Country Stoves in Aveton Gifford near Kingsbridge. Today, Rangemoors offers one of the biggest selections of range cookers, stoves and products for outdoor living in the region and is committed to providing eco-friendly and energy-efficient heating solutions, featuring the latest in clean-burning technology. Chairman Allan Vodden, a long-standing figure within the company, said: “Rangemoors has experienced significant growth over the years, but our core values of integrity, innovation, and exceptional service have always remained constant. We are fortunate to have a dedicated staff and management team, many of whom have been with us for years. I’m proud to be part of this ongoing journey.” To mark its 50th anniversary, Rangemoors has planned a range of events and promotions throughout the year to celebrate with the local community and its loyal customers. There was a special celebratory event on Friday 18th and Saturday 19th Octoberat the Winkleigh showroom featuring product and cooking demonstrations with representatives and cooks from several leading manufacturers. Visit their website here: