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Sweeps To Share Expertise in USA

Two prominent UK sweeps are set to share their expertise with an international audience.

David Sudworth and Josh Firkins will travel to Colorado to address a two-day conference.

The 2024 Midtown Chimney Sweeps Convention will see sweeps from right across the USA converge on Denver for a series of talks.

two UK based chimney sweeps are going to the USA to share their expertise

David, owner and founder of Mr Soot Chimney Sweep and HETAS approved training centre, will lead a presentation on training, recruitment and business.

The following day, Josh, of H Firkins & Sons, will share his expertise of chimney sweeping and flue integrity testing.

Josh is a sixth generation sweep and recently opened a HETAS training centre in Milton Keynes.

They were invited to Denver by Byron Schramm, owner and founder of Midtown Chimney Sweep franchise.

David explained: “Byron visited our training centre in Wigan before Christmas. During his visit, I introduced him to Josh, who I have personally learnt a lot from, and he helped give Byron a different perspective on UK sweeping.

“Byron was bowled over with the warm welcome he received in the UK, and wanted us to go to America to teach sweeps out there all about our systems and processes.

“It’s an incredibly exciting opportunity and one we are both looking forward to.”

Josh said: “I’ve never been to America so it will be fascinating on a number of levels.

“As I understand it, US sweeps do a lot more inspection work than we do here in the UK, as their homes are timber-framed. 

“However, in recent years, we in the UK are doing an increasing amount of inspections as homeowners become more educated on the advantages of thorough checks of their flue systems.

“While in the US, we also hope to get a bit of sightseeing done as we’ll be in the Rocky Mountains area. It’s certainly the trip of a lifetime.”

Want to find out what else has been happening over at Mr Soot? View their spring update here.

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