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Premiere event now with 210 exhibitors and brands – new Fireplace-HUB as communication hotspot

The B2B event “World of Fireplaces” has surprised the industry, the supporting industry association HKI and the trade fair organiser Trendfairs alike by continuing strong demand and a consequently first-class booking status. 

Hardly anyone could have expected this great response to the event from 17 to 19 April 2023 at the Leipzig Exhibition Centre in advance: 210 binding commitments from companies and brands have now been received, and the 15,000 square metre Hall 5 would soon be too small. The obvious solution: more suppliers will move to the outdoor area in front of the hall, which every visitor will pass through.

Leipzig Exhibition Centre photo credit Messe Leipzig - Premiere event now with 210 exhibitors and brands - new Fireplace-HUB
photo credit Messe Leipzig

At the new “World of Fireplaces” present themselves Industry leaders, medium-sized companies and interesting newcomers from the product segments pellet, tile and storage stoves, electric fireplaces and stoves, decorative fireplaces, ovens and grills, flue gas systems, boiler, separator and control technology, fuel, bricks and fireclay, software for Smarthome and for system control as well as various suppliers and suppliers of accessories – and of course the field of outdoor burners is on the rise.

However, the high demand for the event now leads to the obvious solution: an outdoor area will be provided. The available outdoor areas with or without a roof can be booked from now. This decision by the organiser Trendfairs (Munich) meets with unanimous approval, because all parties involved are benefitted.

But that’s not the only news about the B2B event: the exhibiting companies Ortner, Kleining, Oranier Heiztechnik and Wodtke will be focusing on the topic of “Hybrid Heat” in the special show. And for those who find the numerous innovations too hot in April, we recommend going to Lenzi Hilger. The guest of honour known from TV is not only a self-confessed fan of wood-burning stoves, but as a passionate restaurateur he is also the “World of Fireplaces” host for fresh O’zapftes!

The Fireplace Hub, created by the organiser Trendfairs and the driving force Industrieverband Haus-, Heiz- und Küchentechnik e.V. (HKI), provides the podium for lectures and discussions on the topics of air pollution control, hybrid heat, supply, trade and other specialist topics and is developing as the communication hotspot of the trade fair.

The program will be communicated daily on www.world-of-fireplaces.de before and during the event. In addition to the aforementioned HKI, the Fireplace Hub will provide space for presentations and advice from the Bundesverband Brennholzhandel und Brennholzproduktion e.V. (BuVBB), the Europäische Feuerstätten Arbeitsgemeinschaft (EFA), the Gesamtverband Ofenbau e.V. (GVOB), the Fachagentur Nachwachsende Rohstoffe e.V. (FNR) and the Bundesverband des Schornsteinfegerhandwerks e.V. (ZIV).

Early preparation for the trip and event is recommended for all trade fair guests. From February, interested visitors can purchase a permanent ticket for 29 euros via the ticket shop to enter the trade fair without any further stay. But beware: as a business event, the “World of Fireplaces” is only open to industry visitors.

An earlier (or later) arrival or departure is certainly recommended. Leipzig, a “privileged” trade fair city since 1466, is a very attractive venue. Above all, the completely restored historical centre with its round-the-clock pubs, numerous galleries and shops, as well as many architectural treasures, attract every guest. 

Fireplace Specialist Magazine

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