Following the resounding success of the premiere event World of Fireplaces 2023 in Leipzig, preparations for the industry meeting point in 2025 are in full swing.
The trade fair organiser, Trendfairs GmbH, will make the second edition of the international trade fair for the ‘world of modern fireplaces’ even more attractive, even bigger and even more international in order to meet the continuing boom in demand.
The Fireplace Hub will focus on topics relating to innovations in the industry and create an attention-grabbing platform for political debate. On the visitor side, trade visitors from all over Europe are expected and will top the previous event with 240 exhibitors and brands.
A highlight of the upcoming “World of Fireplaces” will be the “Fireplace Hub“. Already well received at the premiere event in 2023, this will establish a valuable industry portal for knowledge transfer and networking. The Fireplace Hub offers informative programme items every day during the trade fair and is free of charge for trade fair visitors.
Important added value is generated by decision-makers from industry and associations entering into dialogue with trade visitors on topics that move the industry. Over the three days of the trade fair, innovations, air pollution control, hybrid heat, security of supply and the recruitment of skilled labour will be discussed, debated and presented.
The Fireplace Hub at the “World of Fireplaces” is a successful special format primarily because it has the support of many trade associations. Supporters and contributors include the GVOB – Gesamtverband Ofenbau, the ZIV – Bundesverband des Schornsteinfegerhandwerks, the “Efa” – Europäische Feuerstätten Arbeitsgemeinschaft and, last but not least, the HKI – Industrieverband Haus-, Heiz- und Küchentechnik.

Its Managing Director Frank Kienle emphasises: “With this trade fair, we are taking the industry one level higher and, thanks to the Leipzig trade fair location, bringing it closer to political perception. This is reflected above all in our open presentation and dialogue platform, the Fireplace Hub.”
Exhibitors used this valuable B2B event to welcome guests from 60 different countries, such as the Netherlands, Austria, the Czech Republic, Poland, Italy and Sweden, in addition to trade visitors from Germany.
There were also visits from industry specialists from Switzerland, Belgium, the UK, France, Denmark and Norway. And the 2023 statistics even report that visitors travelled from far and wide: from Israel, Australia, China, the USA, Canada, Mongolia, Ghana, the United Arab Emirates and various South American countries.
At the World of Fireplaces, industry leaders, medium-sized companies and interesting newcomers from the product segments of pellet, tiled and storage stoves, electric fireplaces and stoves, decorative fireplaces, cookers and barbecues, flue gas systems, boiler, separation and control technology, fuel, bricks and fireclay, software for smart homes and system control, various suppliers and accessory suppliers as well as the outdoor fireplace sector will be exhibiting.
As crucial as the overall complex of climate, heat and energy is worldwide, the industry trade fair focussing on this matrix is just as important. Organiser Trendfairs has therefore taken up the cause of expanding the event’s global reach.
Many new exhibitors have already registered to take part at this stage. So it will be exciting to see who from which countries will make their way to Leipzig for the international trade fair for fireplaces “World of Fireplaces” from 28 to 30 April 2025!
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