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Top 5 Tips Every Tradesperson and Business Owner Should Know

Mr Soot founder David started out as a one-man band with a £600 van. He’s since grown the business into one of the best-known industry brands in the UK.

Here’s his five top insights into what it really takes to scale your business…

#1 – Mindset Is Key

Growing a business requires a huge shift in outlook. You’ll have to move out of your comfort zone and push yourself to do things which, previously, you may have thought unimaginable.

Mr Soots business

The natural control-freakery we have as owners needs to be reined in. And the ability to look for lessons in every situation is paramount.

If you can’t trust people and are automatically a bit doom and gloom, then you need to work on those. Otherwise it’ll be excruciating rather than exciting.

#2 – Get Business Training

There’s an assumption people who are good at a job will be good business owners and managers. That couldn’t be more wrong.

And it’s partially down to lack of both training and understanding of how different it is. Marketing, HR; pricing, customer service, accounting – all important stuff, and yet for most they’re a mere afterthought.

As I always tell people; you can be the best tradesperson in the world, but if your business skills aren’t developed, then you won’t realise your full potential.

That’s why, at Mr Soot Training, we run a one day Business Bootcamp to give people those very skills. More details at https://mr-soot.com/product/business-masterclass-trade-secrets-revealed/

#3 – Get Haters

Deciding to grow a business is hard. You’ll get naysayers, criticism and in some instances downright hostility.

Much of it will be personal. And from people you’ve never met. I know, it’s happened to me. For some reason, people who don’t really know you will try to tear you down. They’ll try to derail you. 


Because it takes ZERO effort to pour cold water on someone else’s dreams. Whereas trying to improve yourself and your life takes a tonne of work and resilience.

Many will say ‘just ignore them!’ I disagree. In fact, I’d go further – you should embrace it. Entrepreneurs use personal criticism as fuel to motor ahead. 

Just as a car needs energy to move, you can convert the negatives they seek to fill you with into positives. And when you reach your goals, you’ll look back and actually be grateful to your critics.

Because without them, you may never have arrived at your destination as quickly.

#4 – Surround Yourself With The Right People

It’s said that we are the sum of the people we hang around with. If you’re friends with four alcoholics, you’ll become the fifth. Whereas if your circle is full of millionaires, there’s a chance you could become very wealthy.

So proximity to the right influences is key to your future self. Now this can be hard, because it may mean leaving people behind. They in turn can become toxic.

But if you want success, you want people who are on the same journey as you.

I’ve created a Facebook group for solid fuel professionals who want advice, support and guidance on how to scale their business. It can be found at https://www.facebook.com/groups/2033973653573005/?ref=share_group_link

#5 – Consistency Is Key

Overnight success only happens in movies. In reality, it takes people years of grind. Of doing the same thing day in, day out. Making mistakes, learning from them, picking yourself back up and going again.

Remember, it’s a marathon, not a sprint. Don’t fall into the trap of thinking that if someone else is doing well, then you’re automatically losing.

Concentrate on yourself. Run your own race. And turn up every day, knowing that it’s a stepping stone to realising your goals. 

This article originally appeared in Davids regular column in Fireplace Specialist Magazine. To contact David, call 01942 387095 or email info@mrsoottraining.com, you can also visit Mr Soots website here.

Fireplace Specialist Magazine

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